We had to go to the DMV after work today. I just realized where crazy people hang out. Seriously, weird people there. This one lady had this blonde weave thing in the front of her head that seriously looked like a dead animal died on the top of her head. We also saw several mullets and kids who were no way 16 yrs old. It is bad when 16 yrs old looks so young. Must be getting old! We also saw many pairs of underwear hanging out of the back of peoples pants. What a strange place.
Anyways, the weather has been not bad. The trees are so beautiful. The trees near my work literally look like it was painted, all different reds, yellow, oranges and greens. Awesome. I wish I had a hammock. I could have sat there all day in the sun looking at them.
John has a headache so I feel bad for him. I know he doesn't feel good when he puts pajama pants and slippers on and a hooded sweatshirt. He then sits in front of the fireplace and is still cold. Poor guy!
As you can see, nothing is going on. I can not remember if we posted about our homestudy or not. She really liked our place. She was a little bit misinformed about the amount of waiting time we have left, but oh well. At least it went good. Next step is to go get refingerprinted in Buffalo. We need to do that by the end of the year. We will also be interviewing a pediatrician in a few weeks. I guess it does not hurt to have someone signed up to work with us. Of course it does cost $150 and insurance does not cover it.
Anyways, that is it. Sleepy now. Must be how hot it is in here. I will not complain to John though. He usually has it sooooo cold.