We are so thrilled to announce that our phone finally rang!! We have our little girl's picture and we think she is sooo cute. We love her so much already and are getting all prepared to welcome her home, hopefully in the fall. Paperwork is still getting finalized in China and that can take some weeks before we get our actual travel dates.

Lucy's Chinese name is Luo Hong Hang and she was born December 19th, 2006. So that makes her 18 months old. We are told that she likes to smile, listen to music and play with other children. She also knows what the word NO means. I guess that is a good thing??? :)
She is described as being shy and quiet at times but energetic. She likes noisy toys and watching TV with the bright pictures. We believe she is walking now and has a mouthful of teeth. She is still a little peanut and we can not wait for her to come home. Lucy also has a good appetite. Even though she is small, we love her little belly in the most recent picture of her in the yellow dress.
We are so excited about being her parents and can not wait to play with her outside, take her to the ocean, read her stories and teach her to be a good girl and love her family.

Enjoy the pictures! We will post more soon.