Ok, we have come so far in a months time. Now we wait for the next best phone call-TA!!! This stands for Travel Approval. Once we get that, any ounce of restraint I have is out the window and all bets are off. Within two weeks of this call we will be on a plane to China to get our girl. RING RING!!!
We had a full weekend, to say the least at our Convention down town. We got to show some of our favorite people her pictures and talk all about her. We felt so much excitement from our friends. It was fun!! She is definitely loved by so many already.
We also have had some quotable quotes that should go down in the adoption hall of fame of oddest, stupidest, strangest things people may have ever said to adopting parents. Par for the course. I am sure they will start getting even more odd once we bring her home. ;)
John put the crib together. So strange to have a CRIB in her room. We will post pics soon, hopefully.
Ok , do the TA dance for us. whatever that is. :) Hopefully we will have great news soon.