Here are some of the pics that we think encapsulates what life here has been like over the past few days...

So here are Lucy's talents so far...
She can sign milk, water, happy, bread(her favorite), all done, book, cat, baby, baby crying, daddy, love, wait one minute, she points to the ceiling when we ask her where god lives(the heavens), fan, aunt jackie, hat, more, and touchdown. Yes and No head nods are quite popular with her. She knows where our noses, eyes, hair, toes, ears and of course belly are.
She understands upstairs and downstairs, tells us quite often when she has to go potty. She also gets excited when she is told she is going for a ride in the car. She squeals with delight when we go to Wegman's.(that cookie club thing works) She understands when I tell her that we are going in her room, she lays down and rolls right over on her back and lifts her legs when we tell her we are changing her diaper. She also points to her bed and lays down when we tell her to. By the way, she is now sleeping on her matress and MY pillow and it is working out great for her.
Lucy has amazed us with her memory and her ability to imitate us when we show her something once. She is FUNNY, FUNNY and teases a lot. She still gets freaked by some textures like hair but has a much less panicked look on her face when she touches it. Family faces are familiar to her and she will look at grandma for instance when we ask "where's grandma?". We also look at pictures and she loves that.
Her favorite thing besides bread is MUSIC and singing. John has never fully appreciated my singing voice but Lucy sure does. She dances like a true Tuttle. That is scary trust me.
Lucy's favorite foods are:
eggs, rice pudding, bread, puffs, pasta, mac and cheese, tuna casserole, cereal bars, cheese, apple- cinnamon oatmeal, cottage cheese w pineapple
She has an aversion to red veggies and fruit. She looks at you like"seriously, what are you giving me?!" We would like her to eat more veggies like she did in China, we keep trying. She also will not eat bananas since her surgery. She used to LOVE them previously. She thinks she still does but then spits it out.
Her mouth is healing good from what we can tell. She has an appt with the surgeon on Tues so we hope he agrees with us. :)
Lucy Blue is a happy little girl. She really only fusses when she is tired and may be having an issue with food. (like when it runs out) Otherwise, she loves to walk around and spend time with us and always hopes that we are chasing her.
One predictable thing about her is that she does not like to have stuff on her hands. Even if it is a tiny crumb or piece of fuzz. She sticks her and makes a big deal about it the hand comes out and we have to clean it off for her, then she can relax. She imitates relax too. Apparently I have told her that a few times, in a nice way and she looks at me and waves her hand up and down real slow and you can almost make out the word relax. more like "rlaaaa" and her eyes get all bugged out. It is really funny.
We love her and know she loves us. She tells us she does :) She is getting chubbier and it is sooo cute to see the sweet cheeks smile. Lucy is a ton of fun. The hardest part for me is the sleeping (lack of) I do have to say she sleeps straight (usually) 8-10 hours. Those that really know me understand that I am so NOT a morning person so I guess that is where my exhaustion can come from at times.
Sometimes I get stir crazy in the house because it is messy, really messy and she has the ability to know just when I want to try and do something. However, I understand her needs a lot more and that has made things smoother. Her schedule for naps and such are helpful too. The house gets clean eventually. Thanks to John helping me out so much.
Ok, I could go on and on but as you can see Lucy is fitting right in with the two of us. I always tell her Mommy, Daddy and Lucy are a FAMILY! She gets that too, I am pretty sure by the smile on her face.