In the blink of an eye, she is growing up.
Great report from Open House at Preschool. They all say how sweet she is
and gentle with the kids in the class. Imagine that?!?!? Especially if they have a special
need of some sort. She really wants to mother them. Her PT said she is further along
with her gross motor skills than kids entering Kindergarten. She can skip every other leg! So proud of her determination. She went from a delay to above average. That's our girl.
She is benefiting soo much from her new Speech Therapist and OT. She loves both
of them and I really see a difference from the boring ones she had last year. Her OT already
has her on a sensory diet and her aide says that she has been letting Lucy sit alone at circle time and she is doing good. so cute.
Notice the pic above of her singing to her great grandma. She loves the guitar still and she really likes to rock out on it. A little nervous about that from a 3 yr old! Such a performer though. She also is obsessed with wearing makeup. Which I do not get because I hardly ever wear it. The pic shows her with a face full of lipstick. She even wants to blow dry her hair and use product!
We are
so toasted when she is a teenager.
Anyways, just a little update. She is doing great besides a cold that turned into needing a nebulizer treatment last week and inhaler for a week. Hopefully it is not asthma. Breathing things freak me out and of course they always happen at 1:30 in the morning. uggh. I keep watching her like a hawk and count her breathing to make sure it is within normal range. The dr never should have told me the number, now I am obsessed with it.