there are a few things that i love about this part of NY. we have all 4 seasons, sometimes they seem to last a bit longer than we would like, but nonetheless, each one is amazing. in this area, we have a lot of parks that are a real short distance from our home... tinker park, mendon ponds, 'canalside', and a little distance away is

letchworth state park. this time is the best time to visit. colors and cool breezes,

still waters and leaf piles.
we spent some time at mendon ponds this past weekend. it has been a few weeks since we have even seen each other, so the sunny weekend was what the dr ordered. so, we went for both days. there is this gorge-ish area called devil's bathtub. the pond down there is always still, and reflections

are amazing. they need more benches down there, because once you reach the water, there are 10 other couples sitting in amazement. we walked along the pond till it got a little 'horror movie'-ish. they may have shot swamp thing down

there. tonya freaked at the first snake she saw.
day two we brought our niece. ball of energy. i was tired by the time we got there. she is so outgoing, she makes a friend with her opening words. she found little kids whom she immediately warmed up to, and fortunately someone brought a puppy. i say that since they chased each other for

20 minutes and wore each other out.
on a less cheery note, i lost my grandpa this weekend. he passed away on sunday night. he was not sick, he was not slowing down. he was a full 96 years old. he was living with my parent for the past 2 years, just to have someone look over him. one of his sons, who gave part of his eulogy, was there with him at the time. he stated that grandpa passed just like he would have liked. he had just finished a big pasta meal, drank his last glass of wine, and that was it. he passed right there at the table, physically satisfied and satisfied with days. we buried him this afternoon, right next to his wife, who passed 2 years ago. i look forward to getting to see and know him better in the future, when i see him in perfect health, and we speak the same language. i will miss that guy.
alright, according to tonya, i am writing a short story. thats her hint that it is time to go to bed.