Ok last Friday it all began. We knew we were in for a not so great weekend, as we had funerals on Sat AND Sun. Along with all of that, the hiccups began. Friday. It was kind of funny that John had the hiccups. He tried the old water tricks, I kept trying to scare him, nothing worked that great.
Sat came, he got rid of them for a short bit, but ultimately they came back with a vengance. He was now hiccuping three times in a row, it was starting to not be funny. We tried spoonfulls of peanut butter, sugar, lots of water. They would stop and then start again if he spoke or moved.
Sunday came and they were not that bad. UNTIL, we drove to the funeral. He could not sit there sounding like that so he had to stand in the hall. That is when it all went down hill. The triple hiccups turned into 5 hiccups in a row every 5-8 seconds. I timed them like contractions. Desperation set in. He drank lemon juice, vinegar, ice cream WATER WATER WATER. They would go away for 10 minutes. If he moved at all, they were back. He then proceeded to hiccup all night, for hours. His throat was messed up and he was so tired. He actually had to stay home for work because of those stupid things. I called the back doctor and they were sure it was from the 3 day steroid they wanted him to take for his back. Thanks Doc. Not only does his back not feel better he had diaphragm spasms for days. anyways...So far so good. They faded away by Monday night.
Other than that. Bad mood today. A co-worker wanted to inform me that she heard that Chinese adoptions had slowed down a lot. Gee, really?? I wanted to go home. Not the best way to start out the day. stupid head.
I miss my neice Penny and my sister too. I would love a day off to go shopping. Every night I picture myself being on vacation. In a hammock, by the beach, just knowing that I have no responsibilities for 2 weeks. mmmm. I can picture it now. maybe someday again we will be on the beach in Maui. unitl then I work, sit around and eat and wish it was not winter. The sad part is, the weather has been fine. Imagine what a pity party I will have when it is -20 degrees. can't wait.
1 comment:
Hang in there kitten;) We miss you too! Glad your hiccups are gone john! Hope your throat feels better now too!
It's almost the weekend be happy, ok??I need to send you a big email. Maybe I'll have time tonite! P is staring at me like" why aren't you playing with meeeeeeeeee?!"
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