In looking at Tonya's post below, I got to thinking that it was time to introduce the other cousins that Lucy will be growing up with. I think that she will have a good time growing up with these characters. Tell us what you think...

This is Mia. She is 3 years old and a lil' wild thing. She is a load of fun, and her battery never ends. We were out walking in our tract a while ago and our neighbors' flowering crab apple tree left pink 'snow' everywhere. Unable to help herself, she was out making flower angels.

Such a smart kid, she has a wild imagination. Taking her out is hilarious. Everyone is her 'friend'. She will walk up to any kid, grab their hand and say 'hi friend, lets go play'. I think it is a Dora the explorer thing.
Then we got Lauren and Olivia. The Banger sisters. Ya-Ya sisterhood. Nut jobs.

Absolutely hilarious and too smart for their age. Two drama queens that run the show....but in a good way. Always laughing and posing for the camera. Lauren is on the left in this picture. Olivia was in a talent show, and this is who she had for support. Us. Poor kid.

I cannot stop laughing each time I see Lauren's 'big fat laughing' fit picture. She kills me.

Olivia tries to be the quieter one, but she has the mischief gene. She lets Lauren take the attention because of her huge personality. Olivia has the sweet girl look, is the deep thinker, but her sense of humor is insane. We love these girls.
2 more cousins to go. We finally have some boys in the mix, and these 2 boys bring that boy factor. Joey and Matthew.
Matthew is the good, shy, sweet boy,

afraid of the camera. That is why my only recent picture of him is when he was not looking and lost in the crowd. That's his little head in front of my dad.

Not so much the case with Joey. Joey is way too much like his dad, which is scary since I take after him as well. Very out there, run - before-thinking extrovert. As you can tell, he got a hold of my camera... and had some fun. I have some very similar pictures of myself, actually.
So, here are the ones spending time with Lucy and influencing her. We are pretty lucky. She sure will be. Now, if she will just get here....
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