For those who do not know.... which is anybody who has not spent time in Binghamton NY, a spiedie is marinated, skewered chicken, pork, beef, and/or veal served in on Italian bread.

Lupo's makes this special marinade, and locally we can find Salamida's brand.. but it is not as good. The picture gives you just an idea. Seriously good eating, yet it is pretty much only found in Binghamton.
Since that is the case, there is a Spiedie-fest every year down there to celebrate it. It is a pretty good time. All kinds of food, like any festival would have, stuff for the kids, a million give-aways, and drawings to win long as you do not mind getting spammed for the next 3 years.

They have a classic car show there,

to be followed by a Harley display. At least it was not real hot this year. Last year was unbearable. Good cars, great food and good company. We went, as always, because we can spend the day with Grandma T. She is pictured below, looking in amazement at the root beer float I got. 'Umm.. I ordered the
Tonya ran into her friend Cheryl, whom she has not seen in 5 years, since her last class reunion. She lives in NC now with her hubby, near her other good friend from school, Carrie.

I am kinda rambling, since there is no real news to share on the adoption front. We are at a stand still for a while. If you have read our earlier entries, which I
know you did, we have one more critical event to take place before our final waiting period starts. So... this is what you get.
1 comment:
Okay, dont laugh. I dont even know where Bingamton is. But, the food sure looks good.
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