I love this time of year. The air smells good and the trees are becoming beautiful! Our maple is the first one on the street to be red and orange and ALL over the yard of course. This is a picture of our colorful, shedding maple.
This is a beautiful time of year to do some brisk walking.

I am reading The Lost Daughters of China right now. It has some jaw dropping facts about women in China and the life of little girls. I can only read it in bits of pieces. John is not too keen on Confucius anymore. His attitude toward women do not reflect his supposed 'higher' intelligence.
On a lighter note, the Amazing Race started this week. Where did they go? CHINA of course. I think 'China' is everywhere. Did you see how beautiful it was there? I was already picturing us running down that Great Wall.
I read that book too. I read it when we first started the paperchase. What a great book!
Take me to tinker park too!!!!:)I want to see the famed gazebo...although it will most likely be snow covered by the time I get there, huh?
Love you guys!
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