i watched the documentary 'an inconvenient truth' last night. it got a little political, which i didn't care for, but the basic message was really good and true. it ended with suggestions on how we can reduce or eliminate our carbon footprint individually, much less as big business. good flick for the next time you have an hour to visit a topic you might normally not have thought

about. i say this, mind you, knowing full well that when i go out later, i will be driving my 17mpg suv, speeding the whole way. ...but it's so comfy and safe.
i was visiting my favorite
NASA site again, which incidentally is the only NASA site i visit, and i saw this picture. this is a composite photo of earth at night from pictures taken from a satellite. kinda made me think of what was being said in the film.
it is an amazing scene, don't you think? it always amazes me to see pictures of this spinning marble we live on. like nothing else out there. if you were to scroll thru the pictures that NASA has posted of all parts of the universe, nothing looks like or can compare to this planet. incredible.
tonya and i were just talking about how we feel about where we stand in time and space. especially in relation to our wait for lucy. i want to start working on what will become her room, but i hate to hang our hopes out there too far. another year till referral. but, we do not want to lose hope altogether. it is just a weird 'place' to be in. those of us in wait understand, and that helps. safety in numbers i guess.
so, without all

hope lost, i am still looking to start working on lucy's room. i found this cute
'puca' girl site. it does not translate well, being in japanese and all, but the little puca girls and friends are really cute. seriously, look how cute she is?? now i think i want to incorporate some of that in our theme. maybe it is good that we have this time. i would have painted/repainted her room 4 times now. trying to think of a way to incorporate a bunch of my room ideas into one nice room. but the room would have to be much larger. like... half the house larger so that it wouldn't look like a mess. what are all of you waiting families doing for your little girls room? we should share some ideas. maybe it will bring clarity to my obviously busy brain.