Friday, December 28, 2007
this will make the kids happy
Monday, December 24, 2007
Life is...

Saturday, December 22, 2007
seriously...the coolest thing i have ever seen
so i was reading my latest men's journal, the one with jack nicholson on the cover, and there is an article inside about the latest craze in BASE jumping. it is called terrain flying with a wingsuit. it is wild, and i cannot watch enough of it. they have come up with a suit that mimics a flying squirrel, with webbing between the arms and body, and between the legs, and it allows someone to, well, fly. now, while the laws of gravity still play a part, these guys can fly away from a mountain, actually get horizontal. it is wild. many of them find free-flying out of a plane boring since you cannot tell how fast or how far you have flown, so that is why you will see them terrain flying, which means they get within a couple of feet of the side of the mountain.
check out these videos. i wish i had the intestinal fortitude to actually do this.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Baby news...
Saturday, December 15, 2007

Well, they say we will have up to 14 inches of snow fall between tonight and tomorrow. I LOVE the idea of being snowed in and snuggly but I have been called to jury duty 7:30 am Monday morning. Wonder what happens if I can not get out of my driveway?????
Kind of hanging low today, tired and have been obsessing about Lucy a little bit too much. I really miss her. Sounds crazy since I have not even met her, but I do. Oh well.
This little girl makes me smile! I hope we get to go see her SOOON. Our shiny little PENNY!
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Rough Weekend, again

About a month ago, he had written his young son a touching letter, letting him know how much he loved being his dad and how much he treasured the time they spent together. The memorial speaker, John's brother, read it toward the end of his talk. When he lost it part way thru, so did everyone in attendance. That was so hard to hear. We saw Brandon and his family three weekends ago at our Special Day assembly and he was asking us all about Lucy and when we will get her. He loved being a dad. Come to find out, his wife is pregnant again with his 3rd child. It only gets more tragic every time we hear more details. You never think this would happen but it did and we still can't believe it. We are really going to miss this guy.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Bad Day
We then attended a funeral talk for a friends father. He died at the age of 59. We did not know him personally but wish we had. He was spoken of as a wonderful person. Not in the way after you die -everyone says nice things way-, but a sincerely beautiful way. He was a humble, patient and spiritual man. This in the sense that he made material sacrifices and personal sacrifices because it was the right thing to do. He was a great father of two girls and was married to his wife for 34 years. Despite hardships that we all experience through life, he never wavered in his faith and made very humble decisions for his family. Even two weeks before his cancer won, he was still planning for his parents to be taken care of when he would be gone.
As you can see, we learned a lot about the kind of person he was. Not what kind of degree he had or house he lived in. He was a good example of how to look at our life.
We then found out that a friend of ours, Brandon that we had known for many years was shot in a hunting accident today. He was 30 years old. He leaves behind a young son and 1 year old baby girl and of course his wife. We went to the wake for our friends father and when we got there saw the best friend of Brandon sitting there, obviously with no knowledge of the news we were just told. John took him aside and told him the news. I was outside when he and his wife found out and it was truly heartbreaking. They were in each others weddings and in fact, he had just been helping him yesterday with some work around his house. It was a really sad day. We then saw two accidents and a near miss accident right in front of us on the way home.
To be honest, I think it is amazing that any of us have lived this long.
I know people say different things when people die, so here is my turn. It is a fact that people have memories that will fail in time and soon we will be forgotten by people, just an old picture with our name and date scribbled on the back. It is nice to know that the one that created us has a memory that does not fail. I hope that he remembers me when the time comes. Guess I better get busy, so I am not forgotten.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
We are meeting with 'our' pediatrician for the first time.. introduce ourselves and speak to her about some of the things she has encountered before with adopted children from China. She is supposed to be real good with chinese children, she came highly recommended from other adoptive families, and I think she even has adopted a couple herself. As long as she knows what she is doing.
From there, we are driving to Buffalo. Time to get re-fingerprinted, since apparently our finger prints change every 18 months?? Whatever, I am just real glad that this one is a free-be. I am not in the mood to shell out another $700 for a machine to take a picture of my finger tips. Lets just hope we do not have to do this again, cause the next one, 18 months from now, will probably cost $900. Thanks USA.
Alright, if I dont get off this, Tonya is going to kill me. Think I am running late.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
10 yrs for us! brings us 500 days closer to Lucy
For everyone else, if you would like to hear the music select the button next to the pause button.
Enjoy! I noticed we have fruit in a lot of our pictures. :)
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Friday Morning
I am a bit obsessed with parking between two specific trees. I have been known to bug certain people that seem to also like to park there.
I was a little sleepy still when they laid this on me so my reaction was a bit like, you must have too much time on your hands, but a few minutes later I was more like " This is more like it."
Even the GM came over and wanted to let me know that he was going to be more aware about where he parked, such as not between the "two trees"
Thursday, October 25, 2007
lil' bit of this lil' bit o that
Anyways, the weather has been not bad. The trees are so beautiful. The trees near my work literally look like it was painted, all different reds, yellow, oranges and greens. Awesome. I wish I had a hammock. I could have sat there all day in the sun looking at them.
John has a headache so I feel bad for him. I know he doesn't feel good when he puts pajama pants and slippers on and a hooded sweatshirt. He then sits in front of the fireplace and is still cold. Poor guy!
As you can see, nothing is going on. I can not remember if we posted about our homestudy or not. She really liked our place. She was a little bit misinformed about the amount of waiting time we have left, but oh well. At least it went good. Next step is to go get refingerprinted in Buffalo. We need to do that by the end of the year. We will also be interviewing a pediatrician in a few weeks. I guess it does not hurt to have someone signed up to work with us. Of course it does cost $150 and insurance does not cover it.
Anyways, that is it. Sleepy now. Must be how hot it is in here. I will not complain to John though. He usually has it sooooo cold.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Congratulations to us...
Next month marks 10 years together married. Really happy and really hard things we have been through together over these years. He kissed me 13 years ago. Wow, does that make me feel old. I feel good about us though. So many couples we know are no longer together any more. It is fun to be together with your best friend all these years. He is still such a cutie and smells good too. Ok, ok, I know I am grossing some of you out, but hey! it's my blog and it is all rated G. :)
Getting ready for home study tomorrow. Busy Busy! We will post an update as to how it goes. She never wrote me back when I wrote her so I am sure we will be missing some things. uh-oh sounds like I am getting negative again. Better go so I can leave on a some what positive note.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Hello Everyone!
We have been sharing our apples and pears that are on the tree in the back yard. I cannot believe how much fruit comes from one tree. I should remember because we had apple trees in our yard when I was growing up. I just remember having apple fights and some morning waking up to random cows/bulls in our yard. weird!
In a couple of days, we are having a follow up home study. She is coming to the house, so of course I want everything just right. Thankfully I have the day off so I will be running around and getting it all ready for her visit. We then have to get some new paperwork together and go to Buffalo AGAIN, to be re-fingerprinted and submit our I600A. The wait has been so long to go get our daughter that we have to redo it. I am very glad that we get a one time renewal with no charge. If we have to do this next year it will cost us another $800 or so. yikes.
We are thinking about Lucy a lot lately. This house just needs a little girl to break it in.
Until then, check out this little girl. Our little Penelope is such a star!!! Love her.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Busy weekend
so for now, paper plates, macaroni and laying on the floor. EVERYTHING is packed and in storage right now.
Hopefully we will have a busy week moving. I have to get a filling on my wisdom tooth too so i am not happy about that. poor me. It REALLY stresses me out. Why do I get cavities when I take really good care of my teeth?? I think I drink too much juice or something.
I hope to post some pictures soon. Mia's first day at pre-school I made her a "fruit basket." She told me the ones at the store are bigger. ;) She is such a beauty, love her.
Miss my lil' sista and miss p too. I just realized my hands look like an old lady's hand in the reflection on the computer screen. john is humming to some lame song on the radio. we listen to john tesh's radio show at night. I call him "Teshi." he basically reads things from Reader's Digest and plays old songs, like 80's. cause we are old.
I think I am overtired. good night.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
A bad joke that doesn't end
it is getting harder to keep up with blogging. any good news we have has nothing to do with our adoption.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Our month so far
First and S
Second to third week of the month: We passed the one year mark with our LID 8/16/07 without Lucy. We miss her still and cannot wait to someday bringing our little one home. I happened to chat with a lady at Home Depot on Sunday. She had three children from China. All waiting children- They were beautiful. In fact, her last daughter they brought home just 2 months ago. She looked like she was very comfortable with her new family. I got a lil' choked up, of course. Jackie sent us flowers, what a surprise! They are beautiful. :)

Third to fourth week of the month: I had a mammogram. They found a mass (according to the doctor something the size of a grape) a few weeks ago. For everyone that may be scared, if I can do it, you can do it. It was uncomfortable, yes, but the relief you feel when it is done and over is worth any embarrassment. They said I am healthy and I do not have to have another one for 6 more years. Do you think we will have Lucy by then??
The rest of the month: PACKING! CLEANING! I am exhausted just thinking about it.
We are putting some picture
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Wii have a lot to say, but not right now
second, penny is here. she is such a big event, and there are so many things to say, so she will be her own post soon. but to answer your most pressing question, yes, she is as squeezable as charmin and softer then you think.
lastly, i cannot get enough of the wii tune when each commercial comes on the tube, so here are the actual musicians behind the tune. wii like this song.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Friday, July 13, 2007
Tagged by Tracy
2. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? caught myself earlier today
3. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? If I am using the right pen
5. DO YOU HAVE KIDS? yea right
7. DO YOU USE SARCASM A LOT? Yes , mostly when I am mad, John loves that ;)
9. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? John and I almost did when we were 18/19 yrs old, wish we did back then because now... NEVER!
10. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CEREAL? Right now, Golden Grahams
11. DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF? I wear shoes with Velcro jk
12. DO YOU THINK YOU ARE STRONG? I am, I really am.
13. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM? Everything but the...Ben and Jerry's
15. RED OR PINK? red?
17. WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST? My grandpa's!!!
18. DO YOU WANT EVERYONE TO SEND THIS BACK TO YOU? I hope to read their answers on their blogs.
19. WHAT COLOR PANTS AND SHOES ARE YOU WEARING? light blue work out pants and fluffy striped socks
20. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU ATE? oatmeal choc chip cookie with milk YUM!!
23. FAVORITE SMELLS? My 6 month old nephews head
27. HAIR COLOR? Blonde
28. EYE COLOR? Blue
30. FAVORITE FOOD? pizza
32. LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? John Tucker must die ( don't rent it, it's stupid)
34. SUMMER OR WINTER?Is fall an option?
35. HUGS OR KISSES? kisses, cause hugs come after that :)
40. WHAT IS ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? use a laptop at home, at work it has a palm tree and says Maui
41. WHAT DID YOU WATCH ON T.V. LAST NIGHT? So you think you can dance!!
42. FAVORITE SOUND? John's car pulling in the driveway, and he is safe and sound
44. WHAT IS THE FARTHEST YOU HAVE BEEN FROM HOME? Italy (east) and Hawaii (west)
45. DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL TALENT? I have been told at work that I am very creative
46. WHERE WERE YOU BORN? Binghamton, New York
48. FAVORITE HOBBY? laying around
50. IF YOU COULD BE ANYWHERE RIGHT NOW, WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE? Home from China with my whole family meeting Lucy for the first time!
Next taggers:
Tonya (Lane Train)
Lisa (waiting for Diana)
11 months

We went to the county fair last night with mia beena, my other niece. I have sworn off spiral slides forever. I always get hurt when I go on slides. This time I burned a hole in my arm as it squeaked all the way down the slide. It seriously got hurt. I have no skin or hair left on my left elbow about the size of a pack of gum. Mia appreciated it though. The things we do for the kiddos in our lives!!
Well anyways, that is an update with us. I am hoping to hit the hay early tonight. SLEEPY!!
Happy 11 months to all the August LID'ers!!!
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Then I picture being nervous the whole time while in China that they would suddenly say, we changed our mind. We want her back. Isn't that cruel to think about that kind of stuff? I always do that. Think about the worst thing ever.
I actually bought her a little duck for the tub. It is blue with big flipper feet. I hope that she loves it. In all honesty though, I seriously doubt we will ever meet her. Right now she is so far away from us. She is not even in existence. Kinda weird, huh? This little girl has so much planned out for her already. Days at the park. Story times. with her dad. Loving her family. Laughing with us. Vacations to the beach with grandma and grandpa.
Right now, I am grumpy and feel stupid for thinking about all of this stuff. It is just such a pain. It is kind of like thinking every month that I would be pregnant knowing it was negative but some twisted spot in my head just kept saying "stranger things have happened, right?". Oh yea, on that note, Congratulations to Nicole Richie- I am sure she will be a fantastic mother.
Oh well, moving on. John keeps saying be positive. Personally, my blog is not here to be a source of guidance for the adoption community. It is to express feelings right? For right now anyways.
I have to say that when one of us is down we pick the other back up. What really works is when we are both down. We get pretty funny. Picturing our referral when we are 50 years old and saying - well we are pretty much over it by now. You kind of have to be there. Trust me, we are funny.
Ok to all you optimistic waiting families- keep up the good work! You make a good name for all of us lame -o, woe is us couples.
see ya.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
Saturday, June 23, 2007
a few more Italy pics
so, with such a great day, i wanted t
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
life in an oven

Sunday, June 17, 2007
Lazy days of summer.
Fireworks at the baseball game on Friday. My employer sponsored the game and we had a money give away. I was part of the group trying to get people to sign up. Got to go down on the field. Very cool. My mom and dad came and I hope they had fun.
Saturday, I slept in, went out for ice cream. Went shopping for bargains. Took an afternoon nap. Rented a movie.
As you can see, it was busy but fun and relaxing at the same time.
Bad news, my grandma broke her hip. We are hoping to visit her in a week or two. I am worried about her. I think she will be ok, but she is 80 and does have diabetes, so I am cautious. I feel so bad about it, she walks like a million miles a day, and this happened so quickly walking down some stairs. Crazy.
I wish the weekend could last a week. or two. :)
Off to work in the AM. At least I have cute clothes to wear. Although they may not fit because of all the junk I ate this weekend.
Have a great week!
Here are some pictures of my niece Penelope enjoying summer too!!
Monday, June 11, 2007
Welcome to our Pity Party...

How could 10 months feel like 10 years?? I have not quite figured that out.
Does someone have a voodoo doll of us? and if so could we have it back, please. We are done getting stuck in the heart. We have had enough.
We are both kind of walking around aimlessly, no purpose, no goals. Unmotivated to get any. Too tired to care. Negative, yup! You betcha.
A big thing that troubles me: I am so sad that I cannot have Lucy get to know her great- grandma's, right now. They are such an important part of my life and I see that window of time getting smaller with each year. Just realistic I suppose. I hope they get to meet her, love her and spoil her. (Yes, I have tears in my eyes.)
For all of you that are happy and positive about your wait for your baby, send some of that our way. We need it.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
ok, i'll tell
ok, i am feeling much better since the last post (05/22). i got some feedback on the negativity of it, and i agree it was a bit rough. this adoption merry-go-round will bring the whole gamut of emotions to the fore, and we try not to post the negative turns. but this past week was unbelievable. since it has past, i might as well explain what went down.
we have come to realize that Lucy is not coming home till mid 2009. thats a positive estimate. so, we decided to pursue a second adoption thru
she seemed nice, we made small talk... then came the bomb. she said that she found an issue with our application. our religion. even though we were initially accepted, the agency must have over looked the line that stated that we were Jehovah's Witnesses. they do not accept our faith when considering adoptions. it has to do with our stand on blood transfusions. (p.s. we do not accept blood transfusions, but we do accept every other blood alternative out there, which numbers into the dozen area). after explaining that strong memorial hospital is leading the way into non-blood surgery alternatives, and that we are very concerned about staying healthy and pursuing every avenue available to remain alive, she closed her book. that was that. our adoption hopes thru
needless to say, tonya broke down the moment she walked out our front door. that was not the visit we had expected. we really did not expect that we would have been turned down for an adoption based on religion. not in our day and age. not when a child is sitting in a metal cage in a poor nation, and we have a home, a family, a strong moral compass and most of all a ton of love to provide.
i hope whoever reads this can now understand my last post. a man exploding. it seemed to fit the moment. i didnt mean to discourage anyone. we are eagerly and happily pursuing Lucy yet.
on the flip-side