How could 10 months feel like 10 years?? I have not quite figured that out.
So here we go, feeling blue again. We both have kinda been in a slump the last few weeks since the Korean Adoption did not work out. As much as I thought it was too good to be true, my heart was still caught up with the prospect of having our baby in just a few months. I had even looked forward to a little boy. John with a son would have been amazing.
Does someone have a voodoo doll of us? and if so could we have it back, please. We are done getting stuck in the heart. We have had enough.
We are both kind of walking around aimlessly, no purpose, no goals. Unmotivated to get any. Too tired to care. Negative, yup! You betcha.
A big thing that troubles me: I am so sad that I cannot have Lucy get to know her great- grandma's, right now. They are such an important part of my life and I see that window of time getting smaller with each year. Just realistic I suppose. I hope they get to meet her, love her and spoil her. (Yes, I have tears in my eyes.)
For all of you that are happy and positive about your wait for your baby, send some of that our way. We need it.
Happy and Positive coming your way. We need to do dinner very soon to maintain our sanity.
Tracy and Jeremy
I am so sorry about your feelings, I completely understand where you are. We attempted a Taiwan adoption that didn't work out,all while waiting for our China girl to come home. It isn't fair! Good luck, hope it gets better soon.
I wouldn't say we are happy with the wait but we try to stay as positive as possible. I count each month as one less I will have to wait for my daughter. We KNOW that eventually we will have her and that she will be beyond worth the wait! Hang in there!
Praying for you. we are nowhere near in our journey like you but I can imagine your feeling.. Gotcha Day is going to full of built up emotions!!
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