here is a picture of the place. it is run by an older couple, and everyone who has stayed there loves it. 'amazing breakfast' was in every write up. i am quickly beginning to realize that this trip is going to be about

left to book:
- train from rome to naples, then naples to sorrento, and back
- train to lamezia term
- car rental
- train from lamezia term to rome
some of the country side as seen from the train should be beautiful, but i think it is a high speed train,

tonya is laughing when she sees the little 2 person fiats and smart cars, not realizing that that is exactly what i plan on renting. unless she lets me go on the autstrada. then i am going to splurge a little on a quicker car. probably not going to happen. the thought of me going 120mph freaks her out for some reason. i keep asking her.. whats the worse that can happen? that usually is not followed by a verbal response.
we have the day off together today. as normal, we started it off by spending money. we have yet to do anything real. like leave the bedroom. but we are getting there. since lunch time is right around the corner, my stomach says that it is time to make use of this blustery day. planning on lunch and a movie.
on the adoption front, we are excited for everyone that got their referrals earlier this week. we saw some of your pictures, and whole lot of cute kids are coming home. we have some time left in our process. when we started, we thought that we might have her by this summer, so all our friends who have been holding off saying anything are coming out asking us if we are about ready, and whether or not we have her picture. its a little tough stating that the egg is still splitting and dividing to make her. we are not discouraged. we are not discouraged. chant this. we have been throwing around the idea of going to vietnam in the meantime, getting lucy a sister, while still in the chase for lucy. based on what we read, and a little blurb from our homestudy agent, if we pursue that course, it very likely will hinder our chase for lucy, so we are probably not going to be going down that road.
so, for now.. we lay still. literally. we have to get up.
Ughhh... This is like the third time I've tried to leave a comment. I hope it works(it won't let me sign in) ANYWAY... I need a pic of you guys in that tiny little car so I can laugh all the time. Or, you could just come and sit in my car, it's about the same size. You are going to have SO MUCH FUN! Eating and pictures, are you sure you don't want to take me. I'm good at both:)
And, Lucy won't mind not having a sibling from vietnam. She will so thrilled you are her parents I bet she won't even notice:)
Love you guys!
Hi, This is Lydia, the sister of John and Tonya. You might not know who I am becuase they have never mentioned me. Hopefully they still love me. You guys are going to have so much fun in ITALY! I can't believe that I have not heard that you two were thinking about adopting another baby til now. Well Cathy did say something a little bit ago but I didn't believe it. That is exciting news!!!!!! Well you know that we love you and support.
Have tons of fun,
Love ya
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