One year ago today we received a call from our Agency, congratulating us on being approved to work with them and begin taking the many steps to go get our daughter.It was a Saturday, April 1st and they left us a voicemail. I remember we jumped up and down and hugged a lot on that day. We were so excited. Of course, we still are. The mood is a little bit more sedated and the speed of the journey has slowed down so much. It will be amazing to see another year pass, knowing that we will be ever so close to holding her, kissing her and introducing her to her new family.
I am so glad we went to that information meeting and really jumped right in. Now I just wish I would have done it sooner. But I cannot change that now. And we are officially approaching 8 months since our LID.

So congratulations to us and all the other waiting families out there. Everyday that passes is a day closer to seeing our little one's beautiful face.
Congratulations on your one year anniversary of being accepted by your agency! I found your blog tonight and noticed that our LIDs are only 2 days apart (we have a LID of August 14, 2006). Stop by our blog anytime!
Congrats! I can't believe it's been a year already! Everyday brings you closer, and you don't have to relive this year ever again! Yay!
You guys are so patient which will come in really handy when Lucy does get here!
By the way, I love that little picture you posted. Lil Buns are the best! You will be squeezing little lucy's before you know it!
jig n family:)
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