i called in sick this morning (cough cough, wheez wheez) and am playing the part of mr. mom. michael keaton's got nothing on me. so, for prospective fathers out there, i want to tell my morning story.
she woke up happy, which she normally does. after a quick shot in the potty, she was ready for milk and a 'nana. yes, she asks for it by name and sign now. genius. that apparently is the magic combo to get her battery charged. here she is winding up for the day:
we have been having a good day, i would say. we have not read any books yet, she cannot stay still for 3 seconds. for a change of pace, i threw a tutu on her,

which she thought was fun. it is so cute to see this chubby little ballerina running around. she is such a doll, esp when we leave her bedhead alone. which i have left alone. i am just glad that during these past three months hair has decided grow on that dome. funny enough, she is really starting to look like an old italian man. thining, disheveled hair, gut hanging out with drool around the collar - i love it. she's going to fit right in!

she did watch some cartoons, but again, that lasted about a minute. i don't know if its a short attention span, or she really does not care for tv?? i hope its the latter. she does not need tv just yet.
oh snack time was a riot. as she is beginning to realize, daddy rocks. (those are her words, not mine.) first oreo day! lets see if she
ever gets that from her mom! needless to say she was happy, and she wore out the sign for 'more'. now normally i cannot stand a sloppy eater, and am constantly wiping her up - but this moment of glory had to last a little longer, at least until the pictures were taken. at which point i brought in a snow ball for her to play with. she is amazed by snow.

we have only had this little one in our life for about 3.5 months, which it seems like a year - in a good way. we have seen her grow so much. but i am brought back to reality of her true size when i see that she can stick her hand and half her arm into a toilet paper roll - amazing.
ok, this next little tidbit is for all new fathers-to-be. this is an honest 'nugget' of information i am giving here:
poop stinks. everyone will tell you that its different when its your own kid - don't fall for it. your beautiful little child will not drop some potpourri in the bowl - it stinks, no matter who makes it. consider yourself warned. you will dry heave, maybe even twice if the first attempt at putting it in the flusher didn't fully work out.
with that fresh in mind, i better go. she will get up soon, and i have a bunch to do yet.