so our friend heather found a guy on facebook who works/plays with children in the luoyang childrens orphanage, where lucy was raised. among his 1,100 pictures of the children there was this beautiful picture of lucy in a black polo. it is the only photo taken in that room, and we couldn't be happier for it. notice the straw mat?
look at that little girl. it makes me sad yet so very happy. love that lil kid
That photo makes me sad and happy too! She's just waiting to be scooped up!! Oh we miss her so much! Lot's of squeezes from us! Oh, and penny says"lucy weeaching!" about the photo down below:)love,jay
Our son is also from Luoyang. Can you send me his facebook link?
we love that picture too. look how much she has grown since then!!! we are so fortunate to have that little bug in our lives.she looks like she is just hanging out waiting for you to come get her. i am so happy that you guys did.
aunt cathy
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