Now, if we could just get back to sleeping 11 hrs, life would be super fantastic. She is still waking up every 30 minutes all night long. So the schedule is as such.: John puts her to sleep between 7:00 to 8:00 and has her until 11:00pm, in case she wakes up. trust me she does. Then I have the 11:00 to 5:00a- ish shift and then get her back at 7:00am so John can get ready for work. I sleep mostly on the floor on her crib matress- most of the night I am a bit delirious at those hours and do not remember much but rocking and humming.
She has majorly bonded to me. Lucy wants me to hold her all the time-she did actually let change from my pajamas to clothes today without a fuss so that was good. She has started to not like her high chair and wants me to hold her when she eats. She threw some good old fashioned tantrums today about that.
We are looking forward to her mouth healing and just getting on with things around here. ok she's crying already

got to go. ps the two pics with john is when he came home after his first day of work away from her. she was VERY happy to see him. ME TOO!

If I was home I would want you to hold me constantly too...hahaha. I know how annoying clingy babies can be but try to think about the day she will want NOTHING to do with you and run away when you try to even give her a hug. That day will come too soon, I promise, and you will wish for one more clingy monkey for a second! By the way, great pictures...who took those??;) There are more coming, I'm just waiting a bit for a special will see!!
love the pink hat picture (love the hat even more) so sorry about the non-sleep- as a firm and fervent lover of my sleep- i know how that must be awful and you guys rock for being there for her! i hope you're sleeping more again very soon!
Hey guys, sorry to hear Lucy's sleep pattern (and thus yours) is so disrupted with the pain & discomfort she must be in - it will pass. We've all been thru that at one time or another, so let us help whenever possible and adapt to sleep deprivation because it will no doubt come up again for some other reason.
It warms my heart to see Johnmark as a dad, so loving & tender with Lucy, mutual adoration, all the huge smiles on all your faces, gets me all teary . . .
Love all 3 of you a ton
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