Very Tired
No energy
Pinchy Spleen
Other than that, we are moving ahead to feeling much better. I have a dr appt tomorrow and prob some blood work to check my levels. My eyes look a bit yellow at times so I will be real happy when that goes away for good! I am sure the people that look at me will be too!
Lucy and I have spent much more time together. I just love that little bug. She makes me laugh- even though she is especially naughty at times. She shakes her head 'no' and waves her finger back and forth like 'no,no,no' and does the deed (whatever it may be) anyways. Dropping food and dumping her water is the current favorite.
We need to take a lot more pics of her soon! We HATE our camera and that is why more than half of our pics turn out awful and blurry. So many cute pics ruined by that camera. Hopefully we can take care of that soon. Lucy changes so much and we need to capture her cuteness.
Off to close my eyes. :)
glad your on the mends. Lucy is so very cute, cant wait to come back over, as soon as we are all better. lots of love, cathy
Glad to hear your doing better...I've had that mono and it really is bad. Lucy is adorable as always. Can't wait to see the new pics.
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