Lucy is having some sleeping trouble tonight. She is usually a great sleeper- 11 hrs or so but at times she will start crying in the night out of the blue. It is sort of a half sleep/ half awake cry that is different than any other cry she has. It is the saddest cry ever.
When we go in to comfort her, she will have tears streaming down her face and be shaking a bit. She will then just hold onto us for so long not wanting to feel the same sadness she just had either dreamed or remembered.
It happened early tonight, so I hope that means she will fall asleep again and have better thoughts until morning. Her Daddy is rocking her and hopefully that will make her feel secure again. Poor bubba.
We feel that we are part of you wonderful family with this blog. Charlie and Elaine
McCoy is going thru the same thing right now. they are just starting to dream and its all too real to them. it to will pass. its a hard time for parents since the kids seem to forget it by morning and act they didnt keep you up half the night. isnt parenthood the best.
lots of love cathy
ben does that too sometimes-- breaks my heart. amy will forget where she is- and she'll cry as if she's back in the orphanage:('s so sad to think about scary dreams they have! Penny JUST started having dreams like this. She woke up the other night crying over and over "I no wike dat! I stay here!!" and she made doug rock her for a long time...I couldn't bear to go in and see her so upset! Let's think about all the fun dreams they have though...haha, can you imagine. I bet they envolve lots of cookies and balloons and mommies and daddies doing silly dances!;) love ya, jay
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