She is our singer in the family. Especially Do Re Mi from the Sound of Music. She sings the whole tune. She prefers standing on the coffee table and having an audience. She really works the crowd. We have of course tried to capture this on video but she prefers to not be recorded, little stinker. One of these days. Her voice is so cute though, like a little munchkin.
She had the week off from her speech classroom so we went to the zoo and park and played outside (weather permitting). School tomorrow. She is excited about it. We are working with the teachers and therapists on some issues she has been having over the last few months. Being too rough with the other kids. She has been known to pull hair, push and swat or scratch. It is really hard to get her to stop acting this way with kids her own size. She typically does not do it to be mean, just to see a reaction. We have been trying to work with the 'experts' and more and more it seems like these are sensory issues-related to being institutionalized in those early years. She relates to people differently because of not being held or nurtured as an infant and really wants to show that she is in charge. She had to fight for food and attention so these feelings must still come up inside.
In lighter news, she is growing so tall!! She says 'I love you' with no prompting and gives great hugs and kisses. She is very compassionate to older people or even people with 'ouchies'. Today at the store she went over to an elderly lady in a wheelchair and said hi and wanted to hold her hand. So sweet.
We have to play doctor all the time, although she prefers to be called 'Nurse Lucy'. Giving shots is her favorite thing. I looked over the other day and she was coming at me with a garden glove to give me a 'pinchy'. She also loves to put us in time out for 3 minutes. She gets all bent over, points her finger and tells us not to move. It is hard not to crack a smile.
She is super funny and kissable. We just love her little three year old self.
We are so happy that we can show Lucy we are her family and not going to leave her. She will continue to grow up emotionally like she has grown physically. It will all come together. Love the pictures. hugs and kisses,
Ok, this made me all teary. Lucy is so awesome, it's not fair she has to deal with all those sensory issues! Her little voice is too much and I wanna see her working the crowd!! Waiting for the videos!
PS ton you look skinny in that pic!
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