so dinner was interesting - my meal was watching me as much as i was looking at it. i had this great vegetable and pig tripe soup, with a full, small chicken. head and all. it was boiled and left to cool, so that was weird. i asked them to heat it up cause whole, cold chicken is just gross.
now, the real story.
so somewhere between the restaurant and chilling out next to the pool, or behind the lobby fountain i lost my wallet, which some nice criminal found. i was sure they would have good intentions on returning it after they realized i checked each garbage can looking for a discard, empty wallet. instead, they called the hotel assistant manager and demanded a monetary award for finding my wallet with $300 in it. understandable, with gas prices and all i guess. so, after the normally very nice assistant manager called them three times, the conversation had between them got a little more than heated. he was laying them out on the phone, while apologizing to us in english for this while deal. - so here is where we stand. grace, our guide and interpreter, called the people again, trying to appeal to their kinder side - they may meet us here in the morning and drop it off. if they are decent enough to do so, at least i can get my wallet and drivers license back. canceled the credit card already.
so yeah.. good times. i guess it could have been worse if i had more cash in there. in the grand scheme of things, it could have been way worse if it were my passpport or any adoption documents. a couple hundred is not the end of the world.
i will just keep repeating that till i fall asleep.
not the end of the world
not the end of the wor...
not the end of t...
Oh NO! That has to be the strangest criminal I've ever heard of! I hope he brings your wallet back!
Anyway, have fun in Lucy's province, you are going to have other things to keep your mind off the wallet stealer very soon!!
oh, and happy 2 year waiting anniversary! Today was supposed to be your shower, I bet you are having more fun though!
Hey i thought i already posted a message! if this is a repeat, sorry!
We are feeling for you, but there are more important and better things to worry about. keep us up to date though.
Mom and dad are here and say hello and dont worry about the money and dont call them. they are sending there love.
We stopped at your house and McCoy and McCoy said "tony, tonya" a bunch of times. thought that would make you smile. we are thinking of you as you start your Sunday and know that tomorrow you get your little girl. We are thinking of you and i'll be crying tomorrow all day:) Cant wait for pictures....sending lots of love, cathy
Oh My goodness, they are holding it hostage?!! That's crazy. Don't worry too much though...tommorrow will be awesome. We can not wait to see you all together! Time to get the Kleenex...Love you guys, Stevie Steph and Mia LaRue
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