but bribing works. especially when we bribe her with kid crack, sold as gerber puffs. so, for a picture session, we pulled out the drug. and it worked. she had been crying for some reason up till the puffs, and they worked thru the shoot. so, in this montage of pics, you will see very glassy eyes.
and now, part deux of the gross story. yesterday, we were roaming the streets of guangzhou, had just left the 7-11 (yes they have one here) and were being assaulted by a street vendor selling his painting, which were actually quite nice. this older, seemingly homeless man steps up and starts talking to this vendor. a perfect time to try to get away. until lucy decided to drop one of her stacking cups. this innocent blue cup takes a single bounce and comes to a rest, landing upright onto homeless man's disgusting foot. it is so crusty, the guy does not even notice. heck, i took two pictures of it, and he still did not notice it.
needless to say, cup number 4 does not exist anymore.
She is the cutest one on the couch. What a little doll. I love that dress. Can you believe one of the babies on that famous red couch is your Lucy?!!!
Good idea to abandon the cup. There are always more stacking cups...we don't know what he has...made me throw up a little in my mouth, thanks.
Its Tuesday here...only 2 more days....yeh!!!! PS. NEED MORE PUFFS FOR PLANE RIDE. Cathy
Oh my goodness, could not stop laughing about the cup, you couldn't do that twice if you tried (not that you ever would, eeewweee total grossness!) The kids are so cute, Lucy's facial expressions are priceless, it's obvious she's loaded with personality - a perfect fit with all her other cousins. Can you believe you'll be home with her in just a couple days?!? The time has flown by, enjoy your final moments in China, a whole new world is awaiting you & Lucy back home, Maria
That dress is so ADORABLE! I love the look she gave that boy when he tried to get close to her. You can tell that she wanted nothing to do with him. I am so happy that she is so well behaved for you and that you have learned the secret to making her happy. I can not believe that you where able to take two pictures of that cup on the foot and he never noticed. We are dying over her waiting for you three to come home. Much Love, Lydia
At first I thought that was john's foot, but then I clicked on the photo to make it bigger and although close up it still looks like John's foot I realized he would never wear blue flip flops with green pants. Hahaha! Barf! Lucy looks so cute in Purple! And I love her reaction to lil willie showing her some love!
I thought the same thing as Jackie- looked like John's foot. How funny. I didn't want to freak John out because he has a foot thing and I did not see the foot in person to see how bad it was. It does not look that bad in the photo.
eww hope dan keeps his shoes on when when we see you thursday!!
lucy's granny
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