Wednesday, January 23, 2008

are we there yet?

I think we are both so over Winter. Good news, is that we are half way through. awesome.

We are starting to get some ideas ready for Lucy's room. We are leaving the stenciling that was on the wall, with some more personal touches. Also, we bought a bone colored leather Lane rocker recliner for her room today. Looks comfy, huh?

Anyways, looking forward to lunch with our "waiting" friends Jeremy and Tracy this weekend and next month for our FCC waiting family meeting.

I think I am fighting a cold and it is extremely dry because it has been so cold. John has been soo busy at work, he has been coming home tired and late. Hopefully, it slows down a bit.

Our TV died. Well actually the color has turned everything green, with a big rainbow in the middle. We have a smaller TV that we will have to use for a while.

Ok, we will add more posts soon. That way the shot picture in the previous post should move further down on the screen, yuck!!!


Friday, January 11, 2008

are you kidding me?

we actually went and voluntarily got our first round of hepatitis shots. hep A in the left arm, hep B in the right. not gonna lie, the next day we were sore. like a charlie horse in the shoulder. tonya's face says it all.
only three more to go.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

5 days of referrals

CCAA has referred 5 days worth LIDs - same as last month. So, congrats to all the families that are lucky enough to have an LID somewhere between December 15-19 2005.