Sunday, June 17, 2007

Lazy days of summer.

Busy Busy weekend!

Fireworks at the baseball game on Friday. My employer sponsored the game and we had a money give away. I was part of the group trying to get people to sign up. Got to go down on the field. Very cool. My mom and dad came and I hope they had fun.

Saturday, I slept in, went out for ice cream. Went shopping for bargains. Took an afternoon nap. Rented a movie.

Sunday, slept in again. Went to a meeting. Went shopping again. Drove around looking at houses (we like to do that). Got pizza, ate twizzlers and pop tarts.

As you can see, it was busy but fun and relaxing at the same time.

Bad news, my grandma broke her hip. We are hoping to visit her in a week or two. I am worried about her. I think she will be ok, but she is 80 and does have diabetes, so I am cautious. I feel so bad about it, she walks like a million miles a day, and this happened so quickly walking down some stairs. Crazy.

I wish the weekend could last a week. or two. :)
Off to work in the AM. At least I have cute clothes to wear. Although they may not fit because of all the junk I ate this weekend.

Have a great week!

Here are some pictures of my niece Penelope enjoying summer too!!


Unknown said...

Sound like you had a great weekend. We are so glad. Lets get together soon.

Tracy and Jeremy

Anonymous said...

Yay! sounds like a nice weekend FOR ONCE! And, what a cute baby! Whoever took those pictures is really talented too. hardeeharhar. Lubya, JUG

Unknown said...

Sweet pics..Hope grandma feels better soon!