Sunday, July 20, 2008

CCAI NE Reunion

this past weekend we were able to attend our agency's annual picnic for adopted/adopting families. this time we were ready to face the crowds. everyone was so excited to see our Lucy's picture, and to share some very good advice for whats coming up - so many families have been where we currently are, and i hope we were of some encouragement to those still in wait. hang in there everyone- when your referral comes, it is amazing how 'worth it' the wait really is...
so off my soapbox, i want to post some pics taken - the little kids were so cute, and some have grown so much since the last picnic! we were most happy to catch up and update our friends Fran and Sandy - they have been there with us since literally day one - they gave the motivational informational meeting that convinced us to begin this journey.
Enjoy the pics!

Catch the ball!

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