Sunday, July 05, 2009

our 4th

when you start with a little girl saying 'knock knock' while knocking on the wall at 6am, the day can only get better. she is so alive and ready to go when she wakes up- so cute, but early.

we decided beforehand that the best way to spend this day together was to spend more money than we made this week - we went to the outlets. huge sales there on holidays. lucy was spent after three hours, so we went for a ride to put her to sleep. it worked, but we drove thru some funny towns and streets to kill an hour. as soon as the car would stop, she would stir. how did she know??

once she was up, we were at a county fair near a town called Weedsport. the name and the long ride to nowhere all makes sense when you see these pics.

you know you crossed the county line when you see this type of sign

this was Jewel, she was the gem making the patties for bingo

and this was Lulu Belle, one of her 'wee-ones'

she liked the sheep, but wasn't too crazy about this goat that tried to leave with us

she loved the alpacas

not sure whats up with the 'v' in its side there, or who took it... but i am sure it was delicious

we had a good time - lucy enjoyed the animals, not wanting to leave, so we will have to hit up a few more of those this summer. just have to restock our Purell stash.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Great updates! I can't believe how big Lucy is getting!!!! and I've always been a sucker for piggy tails:)