Sunday, August 02, 2009

doesn't play well with others

this may come across on a few of her report cards all too soon. its about time we brought everyone up to speed on the darker side of lucy blue, the mischievous, sly, mr. hyde lucy blue.

we had a few family members over a couple of weeks ago, my sisters, our nieces and lucys cousins. one of them, cute lil mccoy, seems to be the target of this darker side. they have this love/hate, brother/sister relationship. hugs and punches. well, lucy is a bit of a dare devil, jumping in the pool, no show of fear. mccoy is a bit more gun shy at times.

but dont get me wrong. if mccoy cries or is hurt, lucy is right there lending her affection. look at the picture here. he had fallen into the pool, hung on to the steps for dear life and was crying quite a bit. and there is our little helper, making sure he is alright. such a sweet kid.


really, how cute.

until i looked thru the photos taken just moments before the splash heard around the neighborhood.

yes, thats our little angel, with her foot on his back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i cant believe you caught her right in the act. serves him for waiting to long to get in. McCoy still says "i fall in uncle Johns pool" just out of the blue. I'll keep this picture for some reminder of how he "fell" into the pool. one day he will get her back i'm sure. they love each other. soon we wont be able to separate them. they are true cousins.
cant wait to come swimming again.
Aunt Cathy