Monday, February 15, 2010

Lucy Blue- Miss Independent

Lots of fun for Lucy Blue. She made new friends at Aunt Maria's super bowl party.
She got to see her Uncle 'Bud', Aunt Emily and Grandma and Grandpa tooo!
Lucy is now officially changing everyday. She is talking soo much. Some of her words are clear enough for people to understand, but we get most of what she is saying. Her speech therapist at school tells me that Lucy has new words for her everyday. We see that too! I love the development that has taken place since starting her school in November. She loves it too. She gets all dressed in the morning and squeals when we get ready to go. Her teacher tells me how bright Lucy is and that she has completed tasks that other 5 yr olds in class needed help with. Proud parents I tell ya. ;)

She is progressing nicely with her potty training too. Just digging right in and putting on the big girl undies has done the trick, M&M treats don't hurt either. She gets soo proud when she is dry after her nap or when she goes at a store. It is really cute. She is super ambitious about it now. In fact, Saturday while visiting Lowes, she ran off, of course, and her daddy found her sitting proudly on a display toilet, pants/undies to her ankles saying 'I go potty daddy'. gulp, thank goodness we caught her in time.

She loves Loves to sing and listen to music and watch people singing. Her fav is 'Do re Mi' from sound of music. over and over again. Super cute though. She also likes to continuously ask "What doing Mommy". Happy she is finally talking so much but agghh the non stop questions are crazy.

She can also draw a decent smiley face. She adds the eyes nose mouth and then laughs as she squiggles on crazy hair. We are still working hard on colors and letters. She knows her shapes and counts to 11. If we go higher than that she gets annoyed.

Her bestest friends gave her a PIANO!!! We are excited to look into lessons, for all us actually. I also want to get her in dancing. She has moves and if she just keeps watching us dance she will lose some of that ability.

Lucy is super naughty at times and constantly testing everything and everyone. Despite this, her laugh is longer and hearty, her hugs are tighter every day and she is acts so secure from just 6 months ago.

I have so many thank you cards to write to people and feel bad that we never sent any updated pics to her orphanage and the adoption agency. When she is anywhere near me and I start to read or write something she throws a fuss and tried to pull everything away from me. esp. the computer. Talking on the phone is just as hard. She really craves constant adult attention. Trying to find away to overcome this.

Ok well, more updated pics to come. You can see how tall and grown up she is now. I seriously can not wait until she is like 8 but get all mushy when I look at pics of her from last year, so I am trying to enjoy her crazy 3's!! PS..please ignore the typos -to tired to fix them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love calling and hearing "hi cathy" in that cute little lucy voice. we cant believe how big she has gotten and how she has changed in the few months. we cant wait to keep watching her grow into her own. this summer is going to be a blast with the kids. lots of zoo trips.......
aunt cathy