Monday, July 09, 2012

Our Olympic Swimmer

This little kid is amazing. Her lack of fear plays out well for her I the pool. So, a bit ago she decided to go without floaties, so she is real good at treading water and swimming from side to side. But now she has decide to swim underwater now, like actually swim under water. She has me counting to see how long she can hold her breath underwater. She has these little sinking jellyfish to practice going swimming to the bottom. We drop them in, they sink, and she dives under and grabs them and our toes. She learns everything we teach her in there. I will be teaching her how to properly dive next. We have pics and videos of the big kid.. But again, iPad blows and we can't upload to anything from here.

1 comment:

Grits & Glam Photography said...

Happy Gotcha day :) Hope all is well. Are you guys on Facebook?