Monday, August 14, 2006

CCAI Reunion Picnic

We need a little girl in our family right now! As much as we loved this past weekends picnic; meeting other families that have been through the adoption process, meeting couples in the same 'place' as we are now... it was about the kids. Those cute, perfect, well behaved little boys and girls from China. It was all just a tease for those of us who have another 18 months to go. I took a lot of pictures, way too many to place in this post, so I have attached them in a little video here.

The reunion was a success, even though we did not win anything in the raffle. We have Sandy, Grace, Fran, Nancy and many others to thank. We were able to meet Josh, the founder of CCAI, our agency. Tonya is standing with him here. He was a real happy guy, and kinda gave a little hint that our wait time may be a bit longer than we would like. There is not anything anyone can do about wait times, so we have not been reflecting too much on it. Well, we are trying not too. It was encouraging to see that he took a personal interest in our adoption, and the adoption of so many families.

Playing with these little kids, watching them interract with other little ones as they did, the wait will be well worth it. Until then, we have much to do. New babies in our family, enjoying the rest of the summer and getting some things done around the house. That's always on our list!! We are trying to keep up with a book for Lucy. We are adding some personal passages for her and letting her know what we were up to while we waited for her to join us.

Until next year! Maybe more families can join us for the next picnic. Depends on how far away it is I guess. Maybe it will be in Hawaii. I think that would be a good suggestion. :)


lucy'scousin said...

I'm glad you guys had fun at the picnic! Sorry the wait is so long now, but you've started already and everyday you get closer! I know, my cheesy encouragement doesn't help but I try:)
The montage made me cry.
Love you guys!
Ps, ton that shirt is so cute! Where did you get it!?

Anonymous said...

Those kids were sooo cute. I could have taken each one home with me.

Hopefully we only have 1 more picnic alone.

Mamacita said...

Did you really say well-behaved? I had a really hard time at our first picnic before we went to China. I felt like a stalker. The second one before we left for China in September was better. I at least felt entitled at that point because I knew my referral was coming fairly soon. Now its just fun for everyone, except Lina hates the lion dance for some crazy reason.