Sunday, September 24, 2006


There is no news!!!! There will be no news until like a year and a half from now. No Lucy is not born yet and no we do not know when we will be going to China.

Despite the rumors, we are not doing this the easy way! Is a gestation with no due date the easy way? I think not. No, we will not know anything about Lucy's background and yes we have paid a lot of money already. What else.....hmmmm.
Can you tell we had to be social this weekend? It gets a bit overwelming to be surrounded by babies sometimes. It doesn't mean we are not thrilled for those families it is just...well... those who know understand.

Ok I think that I should have started this blog with dear diary. I better go to bed, I need some sleep. I think.

Thanks for listening. or reading or whatever. Chasing our Lucy continues...


Lisa said...

I completely know where you are coming from. Hang in there....


Tonya said...

You sound exactly like I feel. Are we ever going to get our babies?!

Anonymous said...

Did they mention this would be a sloooooooooowwwwww adoption?

You guys going the FCC meeting?

SARA said...

totally understand!
