Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Wii have a lot to say, but not right now

first, a big congrats to all the families that got their match this week. you must be jumping out of your skin. ok, thats gross, but you get my excitement. we will be in your shoes soon enough... if you think 2 more years is 'soon enough'. i do. in a upcoming post, i will quickly outline possible time frames we are staring down in our adoption.
second, penny is here. she is such a big event, and there are so many things to say, so she will be her own post soon. but to answer your most pressing question, yes, she is as squeezable as charmin and softer then you think.
lastly, i cannot get enough of the wii tune when each commercial comes on the tube, so here are the actual musicians behind the tune. wii like this song.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, you guys really need to update this blog. i think I'll stop checking it 200 times a day. Maybe just 199 times now. I'm holding out on p videos until you get your act together.:)