Lucy is just awesome. She is the funniest little kid ever. She is constantly trying to make us laugh-and she succeeds! She is growing like a weed, trying her best to make words and still uses her signs. She know so many animals now and the noises they make. Little smarty pants for sure. She now says-mama, yaya(for dada), grmma, ina(for china) and yaa(for yes), nana(for banana)
We have been getting her caught up on her immunizations.(all of them all over again) She cries now when she just sees the nurse. poor thing. I keep telling her mommy cries too when she gets shots. So we have that to look forward to every few weeks. I hope the next visit John takes her. Why do moms always get stuck with the jobs like that??? She is now in the 50% percentile on her height and weight and we can begin to switch her from formula to whole milk with a vitamin supplement.
She has a cleft team appt in March and if that goes well, surgery on her lip in May. Seems so far away, especially since the long-dreary-cold winter has just begun. boo hoo. why do we live in ny?? Next stop, the ENT to check her tubes this week. guess who is taking her?? mom of course.
anyways, we love her to pieces. It is so great to see some of the family and our congregation loving her so much too. She loves it all.
I love the cow outfit!! though one of the pictures looks a little strange, maybe it's the costume's tail. Anyhow, we love her to pieces too, so glad she's a part of our family!!! Don't remember what our lives were like without her and how fast the time has flown by since she's come into our lives. Keep the pix coming! Hugs & kisses to all 3 of you!
Lucy is the cutest we love seeing her perfect little face! We hope y'all are doing well. You'r blog is so great! Can't wait to see Lucy's first Christmas pics. Joel is starting to catch on to this whole christmas thing. Hope Christmas is all that you want and more!
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