Saturday, October 27, 2007

Friday Morning

This is what I saw in the parking lot at work as I drove in.

I am a bit obsessed with parking between two specific trees. I have been known to bug certain people that seem to also like to park there.

Apparently, in a passive aggressive and quite funny way this is how they chose to make it a point not to park in " my " spot on Friday.

I was a little sleepy still when they laid this on me so my reaction was a bit like, you must have too much time on your hands, but a few minutes later I was more like " This is more like it."

Even the GM came over and wanted to let me know that he was going to be more aware about where he parked, such as not between the "two trees"

So I guess I get what I ask for. Except it will rain and the chalk will wash off. Until then, guess I get my spot back.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It must be nice to be that important at work that you get your own spot. I have to park 3 miles away and hike through the woods.