Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hi"jack"ing the blog...

I feel totally hackerish doing this but Ton and John are too busy to post so I thought I would share a little info about how Lucy is doing after her surgery today! She is doing well! She's holding down her bottles and looking better every minute. She was really swollen right after the surgery but it's gone down a lot already. If she gets the all clear she will come home soon, but she is spending the night in the hospital tonight. While we were visiting she let out a few giggles, and Tonya said she even whispered a few "lala's". She's a little fighter.
She is just such a dream come true. She' s so wonderful and everyone that has met her has just melted and fallen for her. Tonya and John are doing such an awesome job, even if they can't see it through sleep deprived eyes;). It's fun to see them enjoying their very own little one at last. Across the house you can hear john giggling with her, and Tonya just beams with pride whenever she looks at Lucy.
Anyway, that is it for the update. I won't hijack this blog with my stories of my visit to ny, the baby shower or just all the fun Penny has been having with family! I will save that for my own blog!

Aunt Jackie (Tonya's sister)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jackie, I'm so glad you hijacked their blog and kept us informed, for those of us who are keeping our distance so Lucy can stay healthy. You're right, we all have fallen in love with her and have loved seeing Penny & you too this past week, so glad you & your sweet pea made it into town and stayed for a little bit. Thanks again for the update, can't wait to visit her at home, maybe even babysit her so John & Ton can get some sleep and alone time together. Later girlies, have a safe trip home!