Wednesday, September 03, 2008

ramblings of a tired mom

So just a recap. The flight home was 20 hrs in the air. Lucy only slept a total of three hours and not all at once. I had a slight meltdown on hour 14 I think. I think I have been scanned through so many Xrays that I glow at night. Once we arrived in Detroit and literally ran to catch our flight home, we got a boost of energy, we were almost home.

The airport arrival was a blur and just awesome. So many friends and family came to greet us and get a sneak peak of the newest little one in the family. My aunt jeanie and cousin shannon actually drove almost 3 hrs to be there!!! what a suprise. ( i always spell this word wrong)

Sleeping has been our biggest thing. Jet lag has hit me pretty hard. The other thing is Lucy is not taking to her nice soft luxurious crib. She is used to a board and bamboo of sorts, so she will sleep on the hardwood floors for a few hours and then we have to move her into our bed. I will wake up ever couple of hours worried that i am squishing her and hoping she is not going to fall off the bed.

Naptime, she only wants me to hold her. 2 hrs in the middle of the day is a long time with a sweaty little baby. John is actually trying right now to see if she will go down on her floor for a nap. (he has been in there a while )

She is saying mama which is cool. I really do not know why she likes me so much. I feel like I am boring her most of the time. I am still so tired to carry on a one sided conversation for too long.

Her appt with surgeon is this friday. I just want to know what to expect. Her palate is wide open so it will be extensive surgery. I wonder how soon they would do it! poor little baby. She hates doctors more than her parents do.

John just went to the store and bought me yogurt and pudding and ice cream. I want all three right now. what a guy. Lucy loves him so much. I kinda miss him though. We are together all day but seem to not spend any time together. I just want to watch a movie with him and eat nachos.

Lucy is not a super fan of the outdoors. It is all so new to her. It must feel so big to her.

Ok gonna go get some ice cream now.

See ya.


Anonymous said...

she likes you so much because she knows you love her so much

Emily said...

the first few weeks home are soo hard-- been there and will be doing it aagain soon! that flight back is rough-- i am arming myself with benadryl next time!!! things will get better!!! you'll be amazed at how far she will come when you look back! hang in there!

emily (adopting from Luohe, Henan)

Heather said...

Congrats! You're doing great and will look back at this soon with awe- or so I'm told.:) I just love your updates and am living vicariously through you. Hang in there!

Kristen said...

Tonya - I met you at the CCAI reunion in July and have been following along - welcome home!

My heart breaks for you right now - you're in what I refer to as "Hell Week" - thoses first 2 weeks home are sheer misery, and you alwyas feel like you got run over by a truck. I also remember feeling ridiculous having one-sided conversations all the time, but it really does help with language acquisition.

I feel you missing John, even though he's right there. And he is right there - you just have to get more creative about finding time for each other. Which will be a lot easier in a week or two. I promise! And if not, I will personally pay for a trip to Abbott's, or whatever your favorite ice cream place might be!

Hugs! You're doing great and in a few months, this time will be such a small blip.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Kristen. This is just a small blip in time that all new parents need to go thru to appreciate the good times that are just a head. It may feel like you three have been together forever, but in reality it has been only a few weeks and you guys are getting use to each other still and she is making sure you guys are not going anywhere. You will find time for each other and that is important. Let me know if i can do some Lucy sitting. We would love it......stay sane and eat ice cream to make you really works. cathy

Anonymous said...

Cathy is way toooooo busy to watch Lucy, I think Dan and I need to babysit:P
Lydia :)

Anonymous said...

That's the great thing about your kids, they love you even when you are boring :-) By the way, you are probably not at all boring to her. Kids just love being with their family security and loved.
