Thursday, November 09, 2006

lucky penny

well, it goes without say that we are loving our time with lil penny. although they arrived on tuesday, it was today that we got to spend some serious time together. after starting off with breakfast at hicks and mccarthy in pittsford, we headed out to the outlets. this little giggler did not fuss a bit. this is the type of little girl i could handle. she recently found her tongue, so tonya and her mom joined in the fun. she was all smiley too if i got to be chauffeured around. she is way too cute when she smiles. fuzzy head. enjoy some of our pictures...

at the outlets with tonya and doug in the background trying not to eat her up right here
reading to the niece's

1 comment:

lucy'scousin said...

Hi, i was looking over your blog and didn't
quite find what I was looking for.haha, just kiddin. love the pics! what good memories we made!love you guys!