Thursday, November 30, 2006


Well, I told myself reading the rumor queen would only be trouble. It has made me so grouchy!!! I am determined not to look at that site for a couple of more months.

I am happy for the families that got their referrals! I hope they all have safe trips and look forward to reading their entries about their trips.!!!!

We have decided, at least right not be obsessed with this. As far as putting things on hold waiting for the day we get our baby girl. It will be hard but it is harder to think that getting her is right around the corner when it is not really even close. It really isn't.

So maybe we can go on a trip or something fun like that. I will just keep working the most that I can, trying to save NOT SPEND! The big thing that makes this hard is that the weather is getting really bad starting tomorrow. Somehow if the sun was shining and the air was warm I think it would be easier to pass the time. So when we get through this long cold winter I will consider this a BIG accomplishment. Hopefully I do not gain two hundred pounds because munching on candy is my new favorite past time.

WHATEVER!!!!! Keep plugging away right? I am so glad that my dad is doing good after a long operation yesterday, so I should be busy spoiling him over the next few weeks. He wrote all of us kids(4 of us) cards in case he did not make it. yes jay your card is in the mail!! Let's just say his card made me cry. and he did mention how much he loved Lucy. sniff sniff

We really do have great parents, I cannot wait to watch them love on Lucy, that will be a great day for me.


Jessica said...

I try to stay away from rumor queen. I go there every once in a while but haven't been there in a while.

lucy'scousin said...

you just made me cry. ok well I cried watching a lion pounce on a person on entertaiment tonite too, so its not that hard...but still. laughing/crying. thanks a lot..wait till I get that postcard!sniff sniff.
not to make you dwell or anything but what's the rumor queen saying? next year maybe just come visit us. we'll go outlets. it will be ok.:)