Thursday, February 28, 2008

Sneezing our way through Feb Leap Day

So we have been sorta busy and sorta under the weather. We attended our FCC Waiting Family meeting earlier in the month. It was nice because my mom and dad came. I think they liked to see the other families there. We got Lucy a beautiful dress there. She will look so cute in it someday I am sure.

John has still been working on her room. He was going at it a lot until he got sick. We could not make it through winter without a bad cold, ya know.

I am so excited it is going to be SPRING! We have a fun weekend planned together. Then on March 2nd I officially start my diet. I even wrote it in my black book. Trust me, that means it is a big deal. I am going out with style though. I ate a half a pint of Ben and Jerry's tonight and plan on a big yummy meal out on Saturday. Then that's it!!! I need to be in a bathing suit (gulp) in two months for our cruise. Seriously I have to get down to business. I may even dust off my pilates DVD, since my gym membership ran out. I really mean it this time!!!! ;)

Anyways, no news on the wait. China is a big country so they can pretty much do what they want. We still think this may be the year. I think we need to keep thinking that or we will go crazy. If not crazy then I was thinking maybe London, Iceland and Italy again. We need to get our money worth out of our passport investments and our Hepatitis vaccinations. Which by the way, we have round two on MONDAY!!!!!!!!!! My arm is throbbing already.

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